IIF Debt Sub-Fund Investees
Advans (Côte d’Ivoire)
Advans CI is licensed as a deposit taking Non-Bank Financial Institution in Côte d’Ivoire and focuses on providing MSME loans in urban and rural areas of the country. Advans CI has a strong presence in rural areas of Côte d’Ivoire and substantial exposure to primary producers of agricultural commodities (mostly cacao). It is often the only formal financial institution present in rural villages dominated by cacao producing activities, and offers tailor-made financial products to farmers – savings accounts, mobile wallet solutions, loans to finance the agricultural season and loans to pre-finance the tuition fees for farmers’ children.

Apollo Agriculture Limited (Kenya)
Apollo Agriculture is a tech-driven company with the mission to support small-scale farmers in Kenya and Zambia by providing farming inputs to farmers as part of a “bundle” that also includes financing, advice and insurance cover (crop insurance and life insurance). Through this offering, Apollo Agriculture aims to empower farmers and drive agricultural transformation in Kenya.

AVIOM Housing Finance (India)
Aviom is a regulated Housing Finance Company which provides affordable housing loans to women earning an informal income in India. The purposes of the loan are generally for renovation, improvement and extensions, as well as to improve the general sanitation of the home. The IIF funding will support the growth of the MFI’s loan portfolio bundled with property insurance policies.

AVLA Holding (Latin America)
AVLA is a Chilean Holding founded in 2013 as an anonymous society, whose objective is to carry out and develop all kinds of financial activities, financing, leasing, factoring, real estate, training, consulting, agencies, brokerage, collection and the provision of all kinds of services related to the aforementioned activities. AVLA S.A. has a strong focus on the SME sector and is the largest participant of the Chilean Technical Guarantees market with 21% market share. The IIF funding will help support different countries in Latin America and TA services will support the development of the bank’s climate insurance product, specifically parametric insurance.

Banco Pichincha (Ecuador)
Banco Pichincha, founded in 1906, is the largest commercial bank and microfinance provider in Ecuador. IIF works with Banco Pichincha to expand the bank’s service offerings to its customers by intermediating climate insurance products. These products would generally focus on the agricultural sector.

Banco Solidario (Ecuador)
Banco Solidario is a fully licensed microfinance bank that has been engaged in microfinance for more than 20 years. The bank has the second largest exposure on the microfinance sector, and operates through a network of 55 branches in all main cities in Ecuador. IIF works with Banco Solidario to expand the climate insurance product to its clients.

CMAC Piura (Peru)
CMAC Piura, which began its operations in 1982 in the city of Piura, is currently the second largest CMAC in Peru. CMAC Piura understands that climate risk can impact its entire portfolio, and that its most vulnerable clients are business owners. These entrepreneurs can lose stocks, equipment and property that generate income. CMAC Piura is working with IIF to expand the productive loans (from income generating activities) to clients with a multi-risk insurance policy (that includes climate insurance risks such as earthquakes, floods, mudslides, etc).

Crezcamos (Colombia)
Crezcamos, created in 2008, is a public limited company specializing in microfinance. It has 69 branches that work in twelve departments in northern Colombia, and is working to expand its current range of insurance products. The IIF loan finances 1) the expansion of Crezcamos’ crop insurance and 2) the launch a new parametric insurance that would be tailored to meet the specific needs of the Colombian agricultural market.

Finamiga (Colombia)
Financiacion Amiga S.A.S is a non-regulated financial company that was created in 2014 in Colombia. The MFI’s mission is to promote financial inclusion with microfinance loans to support productive, income-generating activities. The IIF loan will assist the MFI in launching a new loan product bundled with a climate insurance policy, which will protect the most vulnerable affected by natural disasters and their negative impacts on their livelihoods.

FINCA (Azerbaijan)
FINCA Azerbaijan, established in 1998, provides microfinance loans to low-income households in most of the regions of Azerbaijan and is a fully owned subsidiary of FINCA Microfinance Holding Company. Its mission is to alleviate poverty through lasting solutions that help people build assets, create jobs and raise their standards of living. FAZ is the largest microfinance institution in Azerbaijan, serving more than 150,000 active clients with 65 branches operating across the country. FINCA Azerbaijan provides microfinance services to low-income rural borrowers with around 73% of GLP concentrated in rural regions of the country.

Grupo Monge (Panama)
Grupo Monge is aware of the vulnerability of its clients to natural disasters and severe weather phenomena and has identified a lack of products in the market to cover their needs. As such, the Group has worked and built alongside Mapfre an insurance product with climate coverage components tailored to the needs of its diverse categories of clients. The product design/development is in its final stage and the Group plans to pilot the product for its MSME clients to protect them against business interruption and asset damage caused by extreme climate events. Main climate risks to be covered are strong winds, flood, fire, forest fire, landslides, earthquake, hurricane, among others. It plans to start offering the insurance product with climate components to its retail/microloans’ clients.

JSC Credo Bank (Georgia)
Credo Bank is the leading bank on Georgian microfinance market in terms of countrywide presence and number of clients. It operates 68 Service Centres and supports up to 260 thousand customers across Georgia. The bank’s mission is to provide sustainable financial services to micro, small and medium businesses, with a preference for rural activities and those businesses that create income and employment opportunities. JSC Credo offers crop insurance to clients to protect their agricultural yields against risks posed by environmental conditions. The IIF loan supports the portfolio growth of productive loans bundled with an agricultural insurance policy that covers climate insurance risks.

Khan Bank (Mongolia)
Khan Bank, established in 1991, is Mongolia’s largest commercial bank and a key agent of financial inclusion in the country. It operates with 538 branches across the country, and provides services to approximately 70% of Mongolian families. The purpose of the IIF loan to Khan Bank is to support the expansion of the index-based livestock insurance program, related to herder loan products.

Letshego (Ghana)
Letshego Ghana Savings and Loans PLC is a subsidiary of Letshego Holdings Limited, a leading financial services institution in Africa. The company is licensed to operate as a Savings and Loans (Non-Bank Financial Institution) offering credit and deposit products to their clients. Letshego has 26 branches distributed across 12 regions out of a total of 16 regions. The loan received from IIF enables the institution to offer bundled service of loan to various sectors including agriculture.

LOLC (Cambodia)
LOLC Cambodia is Cambodia’s third largest MFI. The institution focuses on socially responsible lending using both group and individual lending methodology and is among Cambodia’s market leaders in social performance. The IIF Loan will support the launch of crop insurance for rice crop in the three provinces, covering the risk connected to dry spell during sowing and harvesting and excessive rainfall.

Mufin Green Finance (India)
Mufin Green is a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) that provides loans to the lower-income segment across India for the purchase of Electric Vehicles (EVs). These are predominantly 3-wheeler vehicles that are being used by the owners for commercial purposes, including the transportation of goods or people across short distances.

Pahal Financial Services (India)
Pahal Financial Services started its operations as a microfinance institution in India in 2011, and now has more than 140 branches across seven Indian states. Pahal has a sizeable agriculture portfolio (~30% of GLP), and with the support of IIF it will launch a new loan product focused on financing livestock bundled with insurance covering climate risks.

SAFCO (Pakistan)
SAFCO is a Tier 3, non-banking microfinance company in Pakistan, newly established in August 2022 as a wholly owned subsidiary of SAFCO Support Foundation (“SSF”). SSF started operations in 2009 and is licensed as a Not-for-Profit NBFC, while SAFCO was established to take over the assets and liabilities of its holding company’s microfinance programme as a for-profit Non-banking Microfinance Company (NBMFC). SAFCO provides microfinance services to the unbanked and low-income communities via both group and individual lending methodologies. Apart from this, SAFCO also offers training and capacity building skills, and livestock insurance products to clients. The MFI caters to more than 117,000 unbanked and low-income entrepreneurs, out of whom 60% are women.

SICSA (Panama)
SICSA is a non-regulated, apex lender or a second-tier institution, incorporated in Panama with a portfolio of loans to small MFIs located in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras and other Central American countries. It was founded in 2007 by the Central American Microfinance Network (REDCAMIF) to serve the financial needs of the members of the network. The group’s mission is to promote the financial inclusion of the most vulnerable population and to support the development of micro, small and medium-size enterprises (MSMEs) in the region.

Sterling Bank (Nigeria)
Sterling Bank Plc is a leading full-service Nigerian commercial bank, offering an innovative and dynamic bouquet of solutions to corporate, retail, consumer, and investment markets. Sterling Bank has a broad, diversified customer base, having carved a niche in the Retail, Commercial, Investment, and Corporate banking spaces. It has also established itself as a provider of financial solutions for the SME sector and has been successful in launching solutions specially designed to meet the needs of a variety of clients in different subsectors. The H.E.A.R.T of Sterling Bank is a strategic thrust that aims to penetrate five key sectors in the Nigerian economy: Health, Education, Agriculture, Renewable Energy and Transportation (HEART). The strategy explores solutions in the entire value chain of the target sectors, with a framework to identify and develop opportunities that will support government efforts, improve the prospects of key stakeholders and improve the well-being of grassroots communities in Nigeria. Sterling actively finances and supports players across the Nigerian agribusiness value chain – individuals, cooperatives, SMEs and large corporates across the primary, secondary and tertiary stages of value creation. The Bank seeks to reach approximately 100,000 farmers in the next four years.

IIF Equity Sub-Fund Investees
Established in 2008, Agritask is a leading Ag-tech company providing data-driven decision support tools for end-to-end agronomic management of businesses throughout the agriculture eco-system. Agritask’s unique ‘One platform – One database’ precision agriculture offering is significantly upgrading the decision-making processes across the entire agriculture eco-system. The company’s offering to agriculture insurers revolutionizes their ability to perform accurate risk analysis enabling them to drastically reduce operational costs, develop and manage more advanced insurance offerings and deepen insurance penetration to new and underserved markets. The platform is already deployed in over 15 countries serving small and large scale farmers, food producers, government extension projects and insurers, predominantly in emerging and frontier markets. Through its global activities, the company is expected to reach out to more than 25 million farmers by 2025.
The InsuResilience Investment invested USD 6mn in Agritask in May 2019. The proceeds of the investment will help Agritask to scale up its global expansion across the various agricultural segments, and to further spur development of agriculture insurance markets globally, extending its outreach to small-scale farmers.

Asia Insurance
Asia Insurance Company Ltd (Asia Insurance) is an innovative and fast growing general insurance company in Pakistan. Asia Insurance is a leading player in agriculture, livestock and farm implements micro-insurance with over 40% of its gross written premium coming from these areas. Asia Insurance offers agriculture insurance to over 100,000 farmers.
The InsuResilience Investment Fund acquired a 25.4% equity stake in Asia Insurance in March 2018 via a rights issue subscription. This investment will help Asia Insurance to grow by increasing the company’s risk capital and supporting its underwriting capacity in agriculture, hereby extending its outreach to low income farmers.

Forte Insurance
Established in 1999, Forte is a regional insurance group with general and life insurance subsidiaries in Cambodia, licensed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (“MoEF”) and a general insurance subsidiary in Laos licensed by the Ministry of Finance (“MoF”). Forte offers a full range of life and general insurance products including Property and Engineering, Personal Accident, Motor, Health, Agriculture.

Global Parametrics – Exited
Global Parametrics, established in the UK in 2016, is a for-profit social venture start-up with IIF as a founding investor. The company seeks to catalyze the development of markets for Financial Disaster Risk Management (FDRM) solutions in low and middle income countries to benefit poor and vulnerable populations.
FDRM solutions are comprehensive packages providing an optimized financial response to and management of weather and seismic disaster events. An FDRM offering goes beyond an insurance product by incorporating a set of tailored tools and products that blend risk analysis, risk retention and risk transfer to ensure a cost-efficient, highly effective end-to-end solution. Blending top-notch climate and seismic science, novel risk structuring techniques and patient risk capital, Global Parametrics offers first-of-their-kind products and services for natural disaster risk management.
The InsuResilience Investment Fund acquired a 34.3% equity stake in Global Parametrics, with an initial investment in July 2016.
On the 5th September 2023, the sale of 100% of Global Parametrics to Celsius Pro took place and the company is no longer part of the Sub-fund’s portfolio. Throughout its investment period Global Parametrics has been a key contributor to the InsuResilience Investment Fund’s overall beneficiary target. With close to 28 million beneficiaries of climate and weather insurance products, the portfolio company has contributed significantly to the impact of the Fund and has surpassed its impact target of 20 million beneficiaries. The positive impact of the company will continue even after the Fund’s exit through Global Parametrics’ continued management of the Natural Disaster Fund with a strong focus on developing economies.

Inclusive Guarantee
Inclusive Guarantee (formerly known as Planet Guarantee), a Simplified Limited Company, was established in 2007 and is a leading microinsurance broker in West Africa and a pioneer in climate insurance products. Inclusive Guarantee has been created to promote socially inclusive insurance products with a current focus on West African farmers and index-based crop insurances. With most of its staff deployed in Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso and the Ivory Coast, the company acts as a designer and broker for climate insurance products. It also provides advisory services on insurance schemes, primarily to multilateral institutions.
The InsuResilience Investment Fund acquired a 29.1% equity stake in Inclusive Guarantee, with an initial investment in February 2016.

Probus Insurance Broker Private Limited
Probus is an online retail insurance broker, licensed by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) to offer a full range of Life and General insurance products in India, a country highly exposed to various climate risks. Established in 2003, Probus is a renowned and well reputed player in the Indian market with presence across all the states and union territories in India and partnerships with most of the insurance companies in the country. The firm targets the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable, where insurance penetration is currently very low. Probus has comprehensive, tailor-made product offering with more than 80% of its reach in the financially weakest cities of the country and rural areas. Probus significantly contributes to the introduction of affordable insurance coverage in India, leveraging a fully digitized underwriting and claims platform. The firm has a strong local footprint and distribution network, covering over 400 cities. Probus is expected to reach out to more than 3.5 million climate insurance beneficiaries by 2026.
The InsuResilience Investment Fund will closely work with Probus on a clearly defined value creation plan aimed at enhancing the governance framework, strengthening the firm’s technology infrastructure and driving new products. The Fund will add value to the firm through a structured Technical Assistance Program, including feasibility studies for entering new lines of business, as well as initiatives aimed at increasing insurance and natural disaster awareness amongst end customers and partners.

Rex Insurance
Royal Exchange General Insurance Company is a subsidiary of Royal Exchange Plc, licensed by the National Insurance Commission to offer the full range of general and special risks insurance products. With 100 years in the Nigerian market, Royal Exchange General Insurance has an enviable reputation for reliability, integrity, professionalism, technical competence and financial strength.
The InsuResilience Investment Fund and Royal Exchange General Insurance Company have signed an agreement according to which the Fund will acquire a 39.25% equity stake and appoint nominees to the Board of Directors. Royal Exchange General Insurance Company is a leading player in agriculture insurance. The proceeds of the investment will help Royal Exchange General Insurance Company to spur growth by increasing the company’s risk capital and supporting its underwriting capacity in agriculture, hereby extending its outreach to low income farmers.

Skymet Weather Services
Skymet Weather Services Private Ltd (Skymet) is India’s largest weather monitoring and agri-risk solutions company to the insurance and financial sectors. Through its activities, the company is reaching out to more than 2,000,000 farmers. This innovative and technology-driven company is the market leader in providing weather and crop-yield related information services to the insurance sector in India with over 6,000 automatic weather stations (AWS) across the country.
The InsuResilience Investment Fund acquired a 26.8% equity stake in Skymet in December 2017 and through a follow on investment in March 2018 via a mix of right issue subscription and purchase of existing shares. This investment will help Skymet to expand its AWS network and secure new contracts in both weather data and crop yield measurement, hereby extending its outreach to low income poor and vulnerable farmers.

Vanguard Assurance
Vanguard was founded in 1974 as part of a composite insurance group. The business has since spun out as a specialised general insurer licensed by the National Insurance Commission of Ghana and offers a full range of general insurance products including Motor, Property, Engineering, Personal Accident, and micro-insurance. The business has a strong presence in the commercial, SME and retail sectors and its branch network extends across the country. In addition, Vanguard has digital distribution capabilities allowing it to reach low-income and rural customers beyond its branch network.
The InsuResilience Investment Fund has acquired 40 percent of the company and will assist Vanguard in driving its market expansion, rolling out its micro-insurance distribution capabilities, and further enhancing governance. Through the its Technical Assistance Facility, the Fund will support Vanguard in developing new products and raising market awareness for climate risk mitigation.